Connectum established
completely independent advice
years of industry experience
annual average return, benchmark portfolio
Connectum And You
Whatever your personal requirements, whether it’s investing your savings to provide for future generations, or to simply guarantee a stress-free retirement, at Connectum – we’ve got your covered. We’ll provide you with independent, tailored advice and a realistic plan for achieving all of your goals.
We Listen
We pride ourselves on listening to our clients. Together, we’ll map out your long-term requirements and create a tailor-made plan for achieving them. Our recommendations are disciplined and designed for the long-term, and our only form of remuneration is our pre-agreed fee.
100% Independent Advice
Any advice we offer will always have your best interests at heart. Unlike other financial advisers, we don’t sell our own products and have no affiliations with banks or financial institutions of any kind. As a result, our recommendations are never influenced by internal or external interests.
Watch movies
Not an advisor for everybody
Richard Stott, CEO at Connectum explaining why the company does not suit everyone.
Is your advice independent?
Richard Stott explains what an indepentent advisor is and what makes it unique.
Glem renteendringer, børsstemningen og «eksperttips»!
17-08-2023 | Finans og markeder, Kommentarer, Rådgivning
Denne saken stod på trykk i Finansavisen 31/7/23. Journalist Thomas Hilmersen. Connectum-sjef Richard Stott går aldri lei av å anbefale stabile, langsiktige porteføljer med systematisk forvaltede lavkostnadsfond. På lang sikt er det en viss sammenheng mellom rentenivåer og avkastning, forteller Stott. På kort sikt kan vi imidlertid ikke gjøre noe med rente- og inflasjonsendringer, og […]
Tar bankkrise og børsuro med knusende ro
13-04-2023 | Finans og markeder
Ofte kommer god avkastning fra de mest uventede stedene og på de mest uventede tidspunktene, konstaterer Connectum-sjef Richard Stott.
Ukraina-krigen: Fra vondt til mye verre for Russland
18-05-2022 | Kommentarer
Som ringer i vannet når du kaster ut en sten kommer nå virkningene av beslutningen i Kreml om å gå til krig mot Ukraina. Tilbakeslagene er mange og problemene er store – men vi vet at om president Vladimir Putin satser alt, vil Russland stå frem som «vinner». Men hvor mye kan og vil han satse, det er spørsmålet som står sentralt etter hele tre måneders blodig krig. Her er tegnene mange og sprikende.
What our clients say
Thom Torvik & Harald Chr. Jensen
Owners of Torvik Jensen AS
"Since then, for many years, we have experienced that Mrs Stott and Tønnevold’s claims stack up and that the portfolio is growing well and at the same time, the costs are low and transparent. Confidence is something you earn. Connectum has earned our trust in an absolutely superb manner.”
Leif Hoemsnes
Head of Department, Downhole Technology, Island Offshore Subsea As
”Based on long and serious conversations, an investor profile was drawn up as a basis for my investments. This resulted in a robust portfolio that stays on course and moves in the right direction. I feel very well looked after and in addition, the return is far above average."
Nils & Ingeborg Atterås
Founder and former owners of LAB
”At Connectum, we met people who showed genuine concern for what is best for us. It has fared impressively well through the unrest of the last few years. It shows, more than anything, the strength of Connectum’s thoughtful approach and disciplined follow up.”
Nils Morten Udgaard
Former Foreign Editor in Aftenposten / Former State Secretary under Kåre Willoch
”Crucial for me was that Connectum did not act as a seller on behalf of their own or others' financial products and gave advice on a completely independent basis. The experience has been very good, also through the financial crisis, and the return has been above market returns.”