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Insights from Connectum

We write about management, finance and markets to help you gain insight and greater understanding of today’s market and trends.

Why liking your financial advisor is not a good enough reason for using their services
12-05-2016 | Comments

The recent rise of so called robo-advisers sparked some thoughts about the importance or not of human interaction in the financial advice process.

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Storbritannia står foran to tunge politiske valg
27-02-2014 | Finans og markeder, Kommentarer

En økende usikkerhet om veien videre for samarbeidet i Europa – slik det finner sted i EU – har allerede i et par år preget den politiske debatt i vår verdensdel. Og der hører det også med at Storbritannia, som har vært et symbol på stabilitet og pragmatisme i Europa, nå er blitt en av de store usikkerhetsfaktorene i denne debatten.

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Nothing ventured nothing gained?
25-06-2013 | Comments, Index Funds

Over the last few years, private equity investing and in particular, venture capital have generated more than their fair share of headlines.

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Nothing ventured nothing gained?
25-06-2013 | Kommentarer

Over the last few years, private equity investing and in particular, venture capital have generated more than their fair share of headlines.

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