Under december har ett politiskt drama utspelat sig mellan britterna och EU, med nattliga resor till Bryssel för statsministern Theresa May – och spontana applåder från EUs ledare då hon bröt igenom och öppnade för förhandlingar mellan Storbritannien och EU.
Brexit - which we now in the process of – changes the EU and challenges Norway. Brexit belongs to the category of heavy political events that also change the mindset of large sets of voters.
The UK woke up on Friday morning to a vote to leave the EU, the Prime Minister is set to leave office in October and the markets are suffering a bout of jitters. We all knew that these were possibilities.
With the referendum to remain in, or leave, the European Union upon us, we thought it would be a useful time to provide some reassurance that the investment portfolio that we look after for you is well positioned to weather any investment storms ahead.
If we were remaking a Western, the fund salesman would be the nattily dressed guy on a soapbox selling the latest cure for all the ailments known to man.